Showplace to Give Back to Nonprofits Each Day of What Would be Fall Festival Week
Fall Festival week is normally a busy week in the Evansville area. Between walking up and down Franklin street to find delicious food, riding rides, and running into old friends it's a great time! This year will be different as the Fall Festival has been canceled out of an abundance of caution. The really bummer however is so many area nonprofits are going to lose out on revenue. So how can we help?
The Tri-State is known for coming together whenever things get tough, and this is no exception. Many nonprofits have different times they'll be parking their booth around town to still raise money (see below for a list). Many businesses are also stepping up to help nonprofits out. Showplace Entertainment Center in Newburgh is doing just that!
The week of the Fall Festival each day a different nonprofit will be represented at the Showplace Entertainment center. 10% of all sales from that day will go to that nonprofit.
Here's what Showplace had to say:
Friends, we have something exciting to share and we need your help spreading the word!
We know how important the Fall Festival is to our local non-profits each year, and as Covid has forced it to be canceled this year, we want to help a few of those organizations as much as we can. This year, Showplace would like to partner with 6 non-profits that are Fall Festival staples and give them each their own day during Fall Fest week!
Each group selected will be assigned their own day during that first week in October (10/5 - 10/10). On the group's designated day, they will receive 10% of all sales generated at the Showplace Entertainment Center! That includes sales from bowling, arcade games, laser tag, food sales at the Burgh House, and any gift cards sold!
September 14th was the last day for nonprofits to send in their registration to be considered to be a part of this event, so be on the lookout for the list of nonprofits you can help out all Fall Festival week at Showplace.

KEEP READING: Evansville Organizations Setting Up Fall Festival Fundraising Booths
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