Happy Ending for Stray Parrot That Landed in Indiana Couple’s Garage
As a pet owner, there is nothing more heartbreaking and panic-inducing than losing a pet. We've all seen the frantic posts to social media from pet owners whose pets have gone missing. Personally, I try to share those whenever I see them because I know how devastated I would be if my Jupiter Jack were to escape the safety of our home.
Fortunately, the Evansville, Indiana area is full of animal lovers who really work together when it comes to returning lost pets to their owners. We have a wonderful resource with our Evansville Lost Pets page on Facebook, run by volunteers and giving both those who have lost a pet and those who have found a pet, a place to share them in hopes of reconnecting them.

Evansville Lost Pets is exactly where I spotted this found parrot. It stood out to me because it isn't every day that you see a parrot on the lost pets page. Cats and dogs -daily. The occasional donkey, horse or pig - sure, sometimes. But a lost - and found - parrot is a bit more unusual.
Stephanie Hadley shared the photo taken by her boyfriend, Brian Herring. It shows a beautiful, albeit a little raggedy-looking, parrot with plumes of blue, green, yellow, and orange. The bird definitely looks like he has been out on his own for some time. He was found when he flew into the couple's garage near Camp Brosend Road in Newburgh, Indiana.
Update 08.26.2021: Stephanie has shared with me that the owner of the parrot, his name is Stumpy, has been found and will be reunited. She says,
I have verified that his owner... We are coordinating return to him! He told me that he has been gone a few days and was very cooperative in verifying he was in fact the owner. Stumpy is his name and will be returned home soon.
As of right now, the owner has not been located. It is possible that with the nature of these animals, that it may not belong to anyone in the immediate area, depending on how long it has been loose. According to one online source, ParrotWebsite,
Parrots usually fly far away from their homes, flying up to 30 miles a day.
Ideally, your parrot might come back after three days if the conditions are harsh in the wild.
Another resource, GoodBirdInc recommends that if you've lost your bird, and it has been more than 24 hours, that you contact a number of different people.
Call animal control
Call the SPCA/humane society
Call local veterinarians
Call local zoos
Call local pet shops
Call local police
As for the parrot found in Newburgh, if you recognize it or think it might be your bird, you can contact Stephanie through the Evansville Lost Pets Facebook page by commenting on the post.
LOOK: Here are the pets banned in each state
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