Spirit Halloween Evansville is Open for the Season
Okay, so yes it IS only August, but it's the end of August, which means it's almost September which means it's almost October, which means it's basically Halloween. At least that's how it all works out in my head. One sure sign that Halloween is around the corner is we start seeing Spirit Halloween stores pop up in closed businesses. This year is no different as Spirit Halloween has popped up in Evansville once again.

They have had the sign up on the old Baby's R Us building on Evansville's east side for almost a month now, and it just said "opening soon." Well, now you can officially get your Halloween on because they're open for the season. I know that for some it may be too soon to start thinking about Halloween, and that's okay! Halloween is one of those small dumb things that makes me happy so I always get extra excited when I see little Halloweeny things here and there. And I know there are many people who agree with me here. So go forth and enjoy some Halloween shopping friends, and sidenote pumpkin spice lattes are back too, so if you're wanting to go full fall mode you can!
I think part of the reason I love Halloween is that when I was a kid my dad always went all out for Halloween. He always had those old plastic blow mold Halloween figures that lit up that he'd place in front of our house. I remember how excited I'd get to pick out my own costume and I could be whoever/whatever I wanted for one day. Ever since then I've had a love for this holiday. Now I'm the proud owner of those blow molds my dad used to put out and they light up my yard every year around October.
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