One of Illinois Least Favorite Candies Gets an Air Fryer Glow Up
You may not like eating a handful of candy corn from out of a candy dish, but deep fried candy corn may change your opinion on much-disliked candy.
When it comes to eating 'Fair Food', we will try just about anything if it's deep fried.
There's just something irresistible about taking things like Oreo cookies or Snickers bars, dipping them in a batter and throwing them in the hot grease.
It's those fair food vibes that had me looking for things that I could make in my new air fryer without having to use all that messy grease. Also, it might lessen the potential of an artery clogging up, as I intend to give this new kitchen appliance a good workout.
How to make deep-fried candy corn in an air fryer in just 5 minutes and with only a few ingredients.
It really is THAT good!
You'll be sitting on a small mountain of Halloween candy, so let's get creative with a couple more candy hacks.
Halloween Candy Hacks
Homemade flavored vodka
Just drop a fruit flavored candy in a bottle and let it soak for a while, to make your own homemade, creatively flavored vodka drinks. (*tip-skittles & starburst worked best)
Freeze it
Throughout the year, add it to milkshakes, sundaes, ice cream, and plain cookie dough. (For a quick milkshake, add mini Butterfinger or Snickers bars to ice cream or frozen yogurt and milk—maybe even throw a banana in there, too
Put chocolates into your coffee
BOOM! Easy mocha.
Make an advent calendar for November (and December if your candy haul was huge)
Put candy in Dixie cups and cover with tissue. On the tissue, write numbers 1-30, and place the cups sideways on a large poster board to form a calendar. Let kids punch through the tissue to get their treat each day.
And one more thing if you are a wine drinker, The Ultimate Guide To Pairing Wine with Halloween Candy.