New Evansville Mobile Food Market Seeks To Provide Affordable Healthy Groceries to Underserved Areas
A Food Desert an area in where it's difficult to buy affordable or good-quality fresh food.
Did you know that 40% of our neighborhoods right here in Evansville, Indiana are in food deserts meaning they do not have access to fresh foods. That is a statistic that community leaders and nonprofit organizations have been trying to remedy for years. Now, we have an amazing new way to help get fresh food to our underserved areas in Evansville.
A Concept Years in The Making
You probably recognize the name Lisa Vaughn with Feed Evansville. She has led the way in helping to provide fresh food boxes to anyone in need for several years now. Providing healthy meals to every family is something that Lisa is quite passionate about. She also volunteers with Junior League of Evansville with various projects, including the free lunch program for Evansville students. Lisa tells me that she is very excited about the next phase of the program.
"Junior League has been working on this for years and the community partners have been talking about it even longer. The Mobile food market is phase 2 of our free lunch program."

How Will The New Mobile Food Pantry Work?
So, unlike the free food boxes, this food pantry will basically be that fresh grocery store that is needed in our underserved areas. The truck will start rolling out the first weekend in November the schedule will be posted on the Junior League of Evansville’s website.
"So every Saturday the Neighborhood food market is going to go out in these neighborhoods and sell groceries we will have dairy, meat, produce and some non perishable items. We will be seeking these items at cost and on a slide scale. Meaning a discount . We will also be accepting EBT cards as well. We will continue to hand out free lunches to children and those who need it as well ."
Community Partners
Evansville Oasis and St Vincent Hospital are proud partners with this project.
Organizations that would like to volunteer in the truck can contact the Junior League of Evansville.
Junior League of
Evansville, Inc. 101 Plaza East Blvd., Suite 112
Evansville, IN 47715
Ph: 812.434.6710
Ribbon Cutting Event
You will be able to see this amazing new Mobile Neighborhood Market during World Food Day (More to come on that). The ribbon cutting will be held Sunday, October 16, 2022, at 2:30 PM.
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