Growing up, I can remember my mom being very picky about what we ate for breakfast. I know she is literally rolling over in her grave at this study.

First of all, she would only let us get one box of cereal that we have to finish before we got to buy another one. And to make matters worse, she forbid us to get Count Chocula, (I guess Frankenberry and Booberry were ok) or Cookie Crisp because you don't eat chocolate for breakfast. We tried to argue that they both were cereals, but she wouldn't budge. We would just have to wait and eat them at our friend's house.

According to a new study, my mom should have let us eat chocolate for breakfast the whole time. Not sure exactly how this is even possible, my mind is numb with joy just thinking about it. But, experts are saying that chocolate for breakfast can actually be good for you.

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The study involved older women who ate about the equivalent of two full-sized chocolate bars for breakfast for two weeks. How would you like to have been a part of THAT study? I so wish I could have signed up. I like chocolate and I'm old.

Anyway, the study found that the women didn't gain any weight. The study had them stick to their normal diet, too. What was odd is that they ate more calories overall during the two weeks' time. So, one would think that they might have gained been a little bit of weight, but no. I guess the means that my piece of chocolate cake for breakfast is still a go.

The women ended up eating less throughout the day. Experts think that the chocolate helped to speed up their metabolism and made them feel more full throughout the day.

If chocolate for breakfast is satisfying enough, the study said you can eat it at night too. But, sadly, the study said eating chocolate in the middle and throughout the day is NOT good.

[Study Finds]

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