This Massive Missouri Spring Unleashes 286 Million Gallons a Day
It's one of Missouri's first state parks and it also happens to be one of the biggest springs in America. See for yourself the wonders of Big Spring State Park in Missouri.

If you're looking for a summer road trip possibility, Big Spring State Park is worth considering. As the National Park Service confirms, it's one of the biggest springs in America and at any given time might be the biggest. On average, the daily water flow of Big Spring is 286 million gallons a day. Staggering.
It's one of the more underrated nature stops in Missouri even though Only In Your State recently shared a story about how neat this place is. If you're not familiar with Big Spring State Park, it's located just south of Van Buren, Missouri.
The National Park Service adds that Big Spring is literally a place that "rocks" with as much as 70 tons of dissolved limestone being carried by the Big Spring waters every day. Gotta love science.
There are campgrounds and lots of places to stop nearby. The Missouri Down Under Adventure Zoo is also worth checking out. You can get more details and directions from the Big Springs State Park National Park Service website.
This Midwestern Castle Has a Drawbridge, Moat and Waterfall
Jesse James Farm in Kearney, Missouri
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