Screaming Bat-Winged Creature Seen Over this Illinois Bridge
Unusual things happen near bridges for some reason. That was especially true one early morning near a bridge in Illinois when a woman and her mother saw a huge bat-winged creature near an Illinois bridge which terrified them with its scream.

Phantoms and Monsters shared the story of Shana Clippert who was with her mother early on June 20, 2022. They were near the bridge on Auburn Street in Rockford, Illinois which looks perfectly normal during daytime.
It was that early morning when Shana's mother saw something out of the corner of her eye. It was a large creature that took flight along the tree line next to the bridge. Here are her exact words from the Phantom and Monsters story about what she saw:
It was massive; like hunched over, when it was coming out of the canal, it looked like the size of our dumpster that we have in the back of our apartment building. It was huge. I have no clue what to even compare it to. It was super tall and big. When it walked, when it was on the ground, it was like hunched over and crouched, it looked like this massive blob," she said. "When it initially left the ground, it flapped [its wings], and it wasn’t a super-fast flap, because the wings were so big.
It was the creature's scream that was blood-curdling. The ladies described the creature as pitch black. The scream of whatever that creature was did not sound anything like a coyote or wild bird they had ever heard.
As I read their testimony, the only thing I could think about was that they likely saw one of the legendary Mothmen.
Large creature with bat-like wings that hides within the trees matches Mothman sightings to a T. When you combine their sighting with a map showing all the other sightings in the Rockford and Chicago area, it makes you wonder if this creature is a forewarning of a tragedy as the sightings in Point Pleasant, West Virginia were.
There is little doubt that something strange is happening in upstate Illinois. What it really is remains anyone's guess.
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