A new study just ranked the best states to live in, and the results weren't too favorable for Kentucky.

I have spent a lot of time in the state of Kentucky. Whether it be to visit family or living in Murray during my time in college (go Racers), I have had some great experiences in the state. On top of all of that, living in southern Indiana, right along the Kentucky border, I've crossed the Ohio River to go into Henderson and Owensboro my whole life. This might get me a little flack, but aside from despising the University of Kentucky (sorry Wildcat fans), I honestly can't say too much negative about the state of Kentucky.


That being said, WalletHub recently released 2022's Best States to Live in. While Illinois came in pretty high at number fifteen, Indiana came near the middle at number 32, however, Kentucky did not rank so high on the list. Before I share with you where the state of Kentucky landed on their list, let me first show you how they came up with their findings. According to WalletHub:

If you do the math, some states clearly outshine others in various categories. To find out the best states to live in, WalletHub compared the 50 states based on 52 key indicators of livability. They range from housing costs and income growth to education rate and quality of hospitals.

WalletHub broke down these key indicators into five key dimensions: 1) Affordability, 2) Economy, 3) Education & Health, 4) Quality of Life, and 5) Safety.

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Kentucky...One of the Worst States to Live in?

Okay, Kentuckians...brace yourself. Kentucky landed in the bottom ten on WalletHub's new study. Coming in at number forty-two, that would mean that Kentucky is one of the worst states to live in for 2022. The state came ranked at 47 in quality of life,46 in percent of the population living in poverty, and 42 in the economy.

Given all of that information, is Kentucky really that bad of a place to live?  The state of Kentucky has quite a bit to offer, including great outdoor experiences at Kentucky Lake and Lake Barkley, fun nightlife and events in Louisville and Lexington, it's the home of the World's Largest Go Kart Track, and plenty of more awesome things in between. Plus the state has contributed to one of the finest places to get fried chicken in the world, Kentucky Fried Chicken.

While Kentucky does have great things to offer its residents, the state still has some work to do when it comes to the economy, health, quality of life, and poverty. Perhaps this will be a wake-up call for the state to begin to resolve these issues so that residents can live in an all-around better Kentucky.

If you want to learn more about WalletHub's study and find out where the other states came in, you can do so by clicking here.

Quirky Kentucky Attractions

Kentucky can be mighty quirky, as evidenced by these oddball attractions that are all a quick drive from Owensboro.

Top 10 Facts About Kentucky That You Probably Didn't Know

Do you know the craziest facts about Kentucky? From the official state fossil to the world's largest baseball bat, learn all about it here!


Kentucky is home to the world's largest outdoor go-kart track in the world and a huge arcade and it is within driving distance from the Tri-State called Kart Kountry

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