Fans of the drive in will be happy to know that Holiday Drive In will be opening up for the season very soon.
I can not wait to go on opening night to watch two great movies for one low price and, of course, to enjoy my personal favorite: the double cheeseburgers...especially after the year we have had so far.

The Holiday Drive In plans to open their facility soon. While they don't give an official opening date, they did give us a glimmer of hope that we will be able to enjoy the drive in  in the very near future:

Due to the current state and local guidelines, we have not been able to open YET. But things are changing every week, and we have been gearing up so we can open as soon as we get the green light! We want to keep everyone and their families safe during this time and will continue to follow the state and local guidelines as they are given.

You can bet that we will update you with the date of the opening weekend as well as what they will be showing as soon as the information becomes available.



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