Fall & Winter Clothing Available for Low Income Families in Owensboro, Kentucky
Shouldn't everyone look and feel their best? Doesn't everyone deserve warm clothes to get through winter? Shepherds Hand Clothing Ministry will provide clothing for people of all ages and in a wide variety of sizes, colors, and styles. Here's everything you need to know before you go.
While working at Christmas Wish every year, I see the need firsthand. Some of the wish letters only have clothing requested. Everything from coats, tops, pants, underwear, socks, and shoes is requested. So many families go without basic clothing or a winter jacket. We do our best to ensure clothing will be available for kids, adults, and seniors during the season. It's important! We live in a VERY giving community that takes care of its neighbors. #blessed

Shepherds Hand Clothing Ministry Fall/Winter Initiative
When children, families, or individuals are provided with consignment-quality clothing, shoes, and accessories, it can give them a new lease on life. Regardless of income, race, or sexual orientation, every person deserves to feel their best. It can help people feel confident and happy. Knowing you look great can boost your self-esteem. Everyone deserves to feel good about themselves! Luckily, there's a place to turn to if you're in need in Daviess County.
Shepherds Hand Clothing Ministry will be set up at The Father's House on Monday, September 12th, 2022, from 9 AM until 11 AM. You can stop by and get some fall/winter clothing while supplies last.
How to Help Shepherds Hand Clothing Ministry
If you are interested in helping out with the ministry or donating items or your time, contact Gwen Bennett at marybennett5@hotmail.com or call (270) 316-7920. The best hands-on worship is helping others in their time of need.
Food Donations Available
Shepherds Hand also does free food donations at noon on Tuesdays. They usually have around 200 boxes filled with food to help families in need. Be sure to get there early! Everyone is welcome to come and pick up some groceries. What a beautiful blessing for so many during difficult times.
Thank you to all that give, volunteer, and feed/clothe the community!
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