Evansville Coffeehouse Hosts Give Back for EVSC Hangers Program
Since everyone love alliteration, let's call it coffee for clothing...yeah, that'll work! Stop by Penny Lane Coffeehouse on Monday and Tuesday, July 9th and 10th and help support the Hangers clothing program with the EVSC.
Penny Lane is more than just a cup of hot joe...they also have cold drinks and some yummy grub, including pastries, sandwiches, salads and more!
And Hangers is more than just a place to get clothing...
Hangers is a clothing resource committed to serving EVSC students in need by providing them every-day living essentials that would otherwise be unaffordable. By providing clothing, school supplies, and hygiene products, we strive to improve the self-esteem and confidence of each student served, and in turn, ensure greater student success and fulfillment.
Penny Lane Coffeehouse is located in downtown Evansville at 600 SE 2nd Street...and they open up at 7am.