Owensboro Kentucky Woman Shared Her Love for Coffee & Jesus in Honduras
Ashley Vanover has always loved coffee, so much so that she has worked in the coffee industry for many years and now works at Niko’s Bakery & Café and for the Big Turkey Foot Coffee Company.
Ashley wanted to make a difference in the lives of others, so she decided to take a mission trip to Honduras. While there she visited many families with primitive conditions and no running water. Even though Ashley witnessed so much poverty, she couldn't help but notice the people in Honduras were always smiling and very thankful for their visit.
Ashley visited Honduras during their coffee harvest season. Even though she has been a connoisseur of coffee she truly loved seeing the process of the coffee "cherry" growing on the bush followed by the workers carefully handpicking the fruit.

One of the highlights of her trip was sharing the Gospel Message with a local barista. Her message was quite simple and true for all of us. "Jesus loves you."
Sometimes we just need to hear Jesus' simple message of love.