Want Exotic Plants For Your Home? Evansville Zoo Will Be Hosting an Exotic Plant Sale
If you want some exotic plants for your home, look no further than the plant sale at Mesker Park Zoo.
I wish I had a green thumb.
I don't know about you, but when it comes to plants I have the opposite of a green thumb. Listen, I keep getting gifted succulents, which I love, but I can't even keep them alive. My husband put a succulent moratorium on me, because I can't keep them alive, and do you know how much maintenance succulents require? Like barely any. So anyway all of this is to say if you have a green thumb, I am very jealous and would like to learn the ways.
If you want to add some exotic plants to your home, you're going to want to check this out.
Mesker Park Zoo will soon be hosting their Bloomin' Zoo plant Sale, and it's one you won't want to miss! They've been busy planting and keeping up with exotic plants that you won't be able to find anywhere else. Well, in the Tri-State that is. The Bloomin' Zoo Plant Sale will take place on May 7th, and May 8th.
Here's what Mesker Park Zoo says about the plant sale:
The unusual is the usual at the Bloomin’ Zoo Plant Sale. The Mesker Park Zoo Botanics Department has been busy growing and preparing unique items that will be available for purchase during the festival. Among the offerings are tropical bedding plants, unusual perennials (including butterfly attracting plants), trees, shrubs, orchids, and ornamental grasses.Included in Zoo admission.Member's only preview
May 6th 5:30pm-7:30pm. Current Zoo Membership is required for the Friday Preview Sale.The Bloomin’ Zoo Plants sale is your rare opportunity to add exotic and exciting plants to your home garden. Choose from hundreds of beautiful plants carefully cultivated right here at Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden! Our horticulture team works tirelessly to provide you a chance to extent the Botanic Garden to your home!
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