The Story of the Unknown Grave of Kentucky’s Dancing Ghost
In Kentucky sits the unknown grave of a woman who has been called the "dancing ghost."

A Dark Cinderella Story
We all know the Disney version of Cinderella, a beautiful woman shows up at the ball and no one knows her real identity, she dances with the prince only to run off at midnight before her carriage turns back into a pumpkin. She leaves a shoe behind, and that's the prince's only clue as to her true identity. This story is kind of like that, just without the royalty and instead of leaving a shoe behind, the beautiful unknown woman just, well, died.
An Unknown Grave Sits in Kentucky
According to HarrodsburgCity.Org, the grave sits near the site of the old Graham Springs Hotel. The Graham Springs Hotel was a hot spot in the 1800s for dancing and music, and could often be found filled with people. One night a mysterious woman that no one knew checked into the hotel and began dancing. Legend has it that she was beautiful and really knew how to dance, and spent the whole evening dancing with different partners. It's said that at the end of the night she collapsed on the dance floor, passing away. To this day the unknown dancing lady still goes without a name buried in a grave with a headstone that says "unknown."
The grave has a white picket fence around it, with a sign on it that reads:
Graham Springs Ballroom was filled with music and dance in the 1830's.One evening, a mysterious and beautiful young lady danced passionately in the ballroom.As the event concluded, the unknown lady died in her partner's arms. Her identity was never revealed and she was buried here on the grounds of Graham Springs resort.
Where is the unknown grave?
UNKOWN – Hallowed and Hushed be the Place of the Dead. STEP SOFTLY, BOW HEAD
Fix 56 News did a really great in-depth story on the lore of the "dancing ghost" that you can check out below.
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