The Most Haunted Place in Indiana is a Small Inn and You Can Stay the Night
Have you ever wanted to stay in a haunted little inn? Well, you can, and it's not too far from the Tri-State.

What is the most haunted place in Indiana?
This is a question that leaves many spooky enthusiasts scratching their heads. To be honest, I feel this is super subjective based on people's personal experiences. However, I do know there's a few Indiana locations that come to mind. One of which, is The Story Inn, which ThoughtCatalog.com actually named the most haunted place in Indiana. And looking at the Story Inn, and the history that surrounds the old bed and breakfast, it definitely makes sense why it was crowned the most haunted.
Where is the Story Inn?
What was once a thriving village called Story, the Inn is located in what's now known as Nashville, Indiana in Brown County.
Story Indiana's History
Story, Indiana was once a thriving settlement in the 1800s. Story was founded in 1851, and according to StoryInn.com:
Story soon became the largest settlement in the area. In its heyday (1880-1929) the village supported two general stores, a nondenominational church, a one-room schoolhouse, a grain mill, a sawmill, a slaughterhouse, a blacksmith’s forge and a post office.
If you know U.S. history you know that this is just before the Great Depression, unfortunately, the little town of Story was never able to recover from the depression, after residents had to move away and abandon their farms in search of jobs elsewhere.
Hauntings at The Story Inn
The Story Inn is now a bed and breakfast where you can go and enjoy a nice overnight stay. I actually have friends who have stayed there, and they say it really is a quaint place, but the ghost stories kept them just a tad on edge. Their most infamous room however is the Blue Lady room where you just might get a peek at the Blue Lady herself!
Our most famous (or infamous) overnight accommodation, located above the general store and named after the rumored “ghost” that haunts the room and general store. Queen-sized bed, private balcony, and spacious bathroom with a shower.
The Story Inn also considers itself a "distraction-free" destination, so your room won't have a tv, telephone, internet, or even an alarm clock. While on one hand that sounds exactly like the kind of getaway I could use, on the other hand, holy bonus creepy factor Batman! If you want to book your stay, you can do so through their website, StoryInn.com.
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