KY Mom Attacked by Snake Lurking Behind Her Door Hanger
You might want to take down your door hanger after reading this!
Mara Jo Thomas, of Princeton, Kentucky, had quite the morning yesterday. She came home from work around 10 a.m. and walked into the house from her carport door like every day before. While inside the house, her daughter was still outside. Out of nowhere, Mara Jo heard her daughter screaming bloody murder. She immediately ran to the door to see what was going on. What happened next are the things that nightmares are made of.

Kentucky Woman Bitten By Snake Hanging On Her Door
When Mara Jo opened up the carport door, the same door she walked into the house from minutes ago, she heard her daughter yelling "SNAKE! SNAKE! SNAKE!" She asked where the snake was, and her daughter said that it was on the door right beside her. Mara Jo turned her head to the right, and before she could even get a good glimpse of the snake...WAM! The snake had bitten her right above the eye.
Where Did This Snake Come From?
The snake that had bitten Mara Jo, was hanging on her door hanger. Mara Jo tells me that she didn't even notice it whenever she walked into her house when she got home. She assumes that the snake had been camping out behind the door hanger for a while. It wasn't until she walked into her house that the snake came out from behind it. Makes you want to take down your door hanger, right?!
She shared this story in a post on Facebook yesterday, and since then it has gone viral. At the time of this writing, the post has been shared nearly nine thousand times! I guess that means a lot of people will be a little skeptical about walking up to their front door if they have a door hanger now. Many people have commented saying that they are taking down their door hanger/wreath. I would too! Just thinking about that situation happening to me gives me chills...and I probably won't be sleeping at all tonight.
There is seriously NEVER a dull moment in my life! Today, I got bit by a snake just a little above my eye. Kenley was outside and saw it and started screaming bloody murder, so of course I open the door and boom- it got me! Thankfully it wasn’t poisonous and it didn’t get my actual eye! I’ll never have another door hanger
Poor K&M have helped me through a gallbladder attack & a snake bite! No telling what will happen next -Mara Jo Thomas
Now, if you're wondering about Mara Jo and how she is doing. She immediately went to the Emergency Room after the snake attack, but not before snapping those photos to show the doctors what had bitten her. Luckily, it was a non-venomous snake, so she will be fine. She jokes saying that there's never a dull moment in her life.
As far as her door hanger goes, she had her husband take it down that day. Mara Jo says "I’ll never have another door hanger!"
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