Final Owensboro Downtown Cruise-In Set To Be The Biggest
The final Downtown Cruise-In of the season will feature all years, makes, and models of the hottest vintage vehicles in the tri-state. There will also be food trucks, huge prizes, and family fun. Here's what you'll be missing if you don't attend.
It's always a great time when you can get the classic vehicle out of the garage for some fun in the sun. We're ready to get our '57 Chevy and Chevelle out on the road for another fun event. I can't wait to see all of the tricked-out trucks, muscle cars, and hot rods of all shapes and sizes at the Downtown Cruise-In. Downtown Owensboro has a great variety of restaurants, so come hungry. After the car show, stick around to have a drink at one of the many bars. Head to the Overlook Stage to listen to a great band with the Ohio River as your backdrop.

Sunset Cruisers Downtown Owensboro Cruise-In
Whether you want to show off your classic car or you want to check out the best vintage vehicles in town, there will be something for everyone in Downtown Owensboro. The Sunset Cruisers always put on a great show that's free to attend. It features all years, makes, and models of the hottest classic cars, trucks, jeeps, and bikes in the tri-state. This is an annual tradition after all. Bring the entire family for a day of classic cars, trucks, great food, prizes, activities, and more.
Final Downtown Owensboro Cruise-In of the Season
Saturday, October 1st, 2022 will be the final cruise-in of the season from 3 PM until 7 PM. Enter the car show at the entrance of Daviess and 3rd Street. You can also park on 3rd Street. There's a trip to Gatlinburg up for grabs!
Come hungry for BBQ by Roll Tide, ice cream from Cold Stone Creamery, and cool refreshments. It's going to be a beautiful day to get out with family and friends.
This free event is perfect for car enthusiasts like me! I hope to see you soon in Downtown Owensboro to celebrate all things on wheels.
LOOK: See the iconic cars that debuted the year you were born
UP NEXT: See how much gasoline cost the year you started driving
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