Captain Jack

Check Out This LIVE VIDEO of a Mom & Dad Eagles Nest With Eggs, Amazing!
This video of the mom & dad eagles guarding their eggs, is so cool!

Illinois Cops Arrested ‘The Worst Drunk Driver Ever’ 11 Kids, Bottle of Crown
This was her sixth DUI, in six different states...But this one, whoa.

Minimum Wage Goes up in 13 States Including Illinois in 2023
What was minimum wage when YOU had your first job?

Expert Says This Illinois Location is as ‘Redneck’ as Kentucky
Graduation rate, number of Walmart's nearby...this list comes with serious research.

MASSIVE Pot Farm Busted in Wisconsin, Entire Place Goes up in Smoke
Well this bonfire should smell ok.

A Wisconsin High School Bans ‘Sexual Bending’ at School Dances. What?
The school dance will be video taped and reviewed...I bet it will.

Drunk Illinois Woman Punches Person in White Castle Drive-Thru
This lady was on a mission the score White Castle sliders, it didn't go well.

Hey Illinois, There’s a New $1400 Stimulus Check Going Out to 9 Million Homes
Check here to see if you will be receiving this stimulus check!

Drunk NAKED Wisconsin Man Tears Down Neighbor’s Christmas Lights
This Green Bay Wisconsin guy put on quite the show for his neighbors!

Joint Holding Wisconsin Woman in Walmart Parking Lot, Calls 911 on Herself
Did I mention she drank three bottles of wine, couldn't find her coat, and was on fentanyl?