You Can Get A Free Ride To & From The Polls In Vanderbugh County
There is no doubt in anyone's mind the importance of the 2020 election. With the coronavirus pandemic still ravaging the United States, people are doing their best to avoid long lines and maintain social distancing by voting early. And while a lot of us may not give a second thought about how we're going to get to our nearest polling place, there are many in our community who simply do not have the means or the ability to drive themselves to the polls.
Fortunately, there are a number of resources available if you need a ride to the polls on or before Election Day. The Vanderburgh County Democratic Party have shared a list of several organizations and businesses that are offering free rides in hopes of helping as many people get to the polls as possible. If you need a ride, you can contact one of the following:
Southwest Indiana Building Trades
Contact Madi Goebel 812-422-2552
Call in advance to schedule your ride or call day of
Dave's Taxi
Call 812- 205-8662 the day of voting to get a ride to your closest poll
First come, first served
Vanderburgh County Democratic Party
Contact Melissa Moore 812-604-3217
or email moore.melissa93@yahoo.com
Call in advance to schedule your ride or call day of
Contact Grant Brown 812-453-4889
Buses will be taking voters to:
St. Lucas United Church of Christ
Memorial Baptist Chuch
Zion Church
While you may not personally need a ride to the polls, I'd venture to bet you know someone who does so be sure you pass the information along to anyone you know that may need a ride and let's get out and let our voice be heard!

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