Need A Smile: Kindergarteners Pep Talk Hotline To Make Your Day-Has Gone Viral
Kids have this way of making you laugh on a bad day or just giving you a boost. This week some kindergartners launched a pep talk hotline and it's going VIRAL.
These cuties are seriously making history with a genius and precious idea...a pep talk hotline. They are from West Side Elementary School in Healdsburg, California. Here's how they came up with it according to CBSNews.com:
With help from two art teachers, its students have created a free telephone hotline where callers get unscripted, motivational messages.The hotline is the brainchild of teachers Asherah Weiss and Jessica Martin, who thought family and friends might enjoy calling the number. They couldn't have imagined what happened. Peptoc is now getting up to 9,000 calls per hour — roughly half a million calls total and counting.
Here's how the line works:
Peptoc is a hotline featuring pre-recorded words of encouragement and life advice from the students of West Side Elementary, a small K-6 school in rural Healdsburg, CA.
What a beautiful way to spread happiness in the world that so badly needs it right now. I hope this is something that catches on all over the place. These kids will be impacted by the difference they are making in other's lives for the rest of their own.
I can absolutely without a doubt promise if you are feeling down and you call you will have an instant smile. One of the best once has to be "If you're feeling down grab your wallet and go spend money on ice cream and shoes." I mean that is the best advice EVER.
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