Kentucky Woman Finds Very Aggressive Turkeys in Driveway [VIDEO]
In the ongoing saga of life on the Dingaling Ranch, I'm usually chasing my husband around the kitchen ad the yard trying to corner him so I can catch him as he tries to stay away from me. But, this time I was being cornered and chased and unfortunately not by him.
For several years now, turkeys continue to flock into my yard. They belong to my neighbors, but they are getting very comfortable. So much so, that they are coming up in the deck and pecking on the door.
Sometimes, they act like they're going to attack me. Especially when I get home from work. I'm always a little nervous
At first, I thought they were cute. I thought it was cool when I saw them walking in my yard. They wouldn't get too close to me, just walk around the backyard and eat bugs. Then, as you can see, suddenly things took a turn.
I couldn't tell if they really liked me or if they wanted to hurt me.
Are turkeys aggressive to humans?
If someone were to ask me, I would say, YES! But, I thought maybe it was just me. Maybe I am just unsettling to my neighborhood turkeys. Maybe turkeys are really friendly.
According to, it's not just me,
Turkeys may attempt to dominate or attack people that they view as subordinates, and this behavior is observed most often during the breeding season. They may also respond aggressively and peck shiny objects like windows or automobiles, interpreting their own reflection as an intruding turkey.
When turkeys attack!
I'm definitely not the only one. LOL