Giving Tuesday Is December 1st With The Salvation Army
You can give back to the Salvation Army this Tuesday.
Evansville, IN (December 1, 2020) – We would like to invite individuals to consider gifting to The Salvation Army on Giving Tuesday. Several benefits to you and the community in giving to The Salvation Army. I would like to list them for you:
1. Your gift stays local and benefits Vanderburgh and Warrick Counties residents
2. Your gift is tax deductible. (“Remember that Tax Man Cometh”—April 2021)
3. Proven track record. (we have assisted more than 750 families with rent/mortgage assistance, utilities and other family living requirements with more than $350,000 with Covid-19 funds. We serve more than 1500 individuals with lunch per week and 450 families per week with the Food Pantry Program.
4. Because of the Covid-19 and its comprehensive impact, “We now more than ever need to raise more than ever.” (Quote from our Board Chair, Mr. Ted Ziemer—Christmas Red Kettle Kickoff – November 13, 2020.) We are having a difficult time finding individuals who would be willing to ring bells for The Salvation Army. 5. A gift can be made by visiting our Web-site: www.saevansville.org There is a donation button which will take you to credit card gifting page.
-From Loren Carter, Major – Development Coordinator Salvation Army

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