Franklin Streets Events Association Celebrating Earth Day with a “Color Me Fun 5K”
Earth Day falls on April 22nd this year which is a Tuesday, and we all know that no one party's on a Tuesday. Which I assume is the reason the Franklin Street Events Association will host their Earth Day celebration a few days earlier on Saturday, April 19th with a day full of activities for residents of all ages.
The day begins with the Color Me Fun 5K at 9am. If you're unfamiliar with the concept, the picture above should explain it pretty well. Participants arrive usually wearing white, then have colored chalk dust thrown on them by other runners and spectators throughout the race course leaving them covered in a rainbow of colors by the time they cross the finish. Registration for the race can be done online for $35 in advance per participant, or $40 day of the race. Participants 12 and under are free, however they are only accepting 1,000 people this year, so sign up ASAP if you want in.
After the run, from 10:30am - 4pm, the Events Association will host an Art Crawl in the Park featuring 70 artists presenting various types of art. The Art Council will also be on hand with an art event for kids.
Where those two events alone would be more than enough fun for one event, the Franklin Street Events Association decided it wasn't enough and will also host Earth Day activities in the library park at Franklin Street and Wabash Avenue featuring the Potts School of Science hosting a wide variety of scientific displays from 11:00am until 6:00pm, followed by live bluegrass music from Old Salt Union and The Giving Tree Band until 10:00pm.
Outside of the registration fee for the 5K, all other activities are free to the public.
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