Evansville Police Announce New Location for National Coffee with a Cop Day October 6th
National Coffee with a Cop Day is Wednesday, October 6th and as they have done over the past several years, the Evansville Police Department will take part in the nationwide event. However, for the first time ever, it won't take place at any Evansville Donut Bank location or Chick-fil-A Crosspointe on the east side.
While the EPD has been hosting their version for years, they weren't the OG Coffee with a Cop, so to speak. The original Coffee with a Cop began 10 years ago in Hawthorne, California. The Hawthorne Police Department was looking for a different and unique way to interact and connect with members of the community they had sworn to serve and protect outside of those situations that warrant police presence. They decided to lean on the simple concept of sharing a cup of coffee with anyone who was interested. Over the past decade, the event now takes place in communities all across the U.S. (including here in Evansville, of course) and is expanding worldwide with law enforcement agencies in Canada, Europe, Australia, Africa, and Latin America participating.
This year the EPD will be hosting their edition of Coffee with a Cop Day at the Evansville Rescue Mission's Centennial Center at 500 Walnut Street downtown. According to the Rescue Mission's website, the "multi-purpose" center "sits directly adjacent to Evansville Rescue Mission’s Residence Center and functions as a day shelter space for homeless men, as well as offering space for community programming and services for our homeless guests and the general public. It also provides transitional housing space for graduates of Evansville Rescue Mission’s long-term program, PACES (Purpose Accountability Christ Education Serve).

The event is open to the public and will take place at its normal 7:00 to 9:00 AM time frame. In addition to coffee, both Donut Bank and Chick-fil-A will provide food for those in attendance.
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