Weird and Creepy Statue Discovered In Kentucky Woods – SEE PHOTOS
Ever since I was a little girl, my family spent time hiking through state parks, in Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky. There are so many incredible places to enjoy.

But, what I love more than hiking on existing trails, is just heading out into the woods to make my own path. I love not knowing what I'll find.
Places to walk around freely without getting arrested for trespassing are hard to find. Usually, you find those places through someone you know who lets you hike on their land. Even if there are no signs posted, you could still get into trouble. Always get permission from the owner.
Creepy things and places found in the woods
During some of my approved walks, I've come across some pretty cool and creepy things. Once, I came across an abandoned well and house. I expected to see a creature with a white dress and long hair hanging down in front of its face, crawling out of the well. I did not get close to the well but enjoyed its creepiness from afar.
I've come across many old abandoned barns and even a few small family graveyards. Some of which belonged to my husband's family.
But, of all the cool things I have seen on my hikes, I've never come across any kind of lone. weird statue in the woods.
Creepy monkey-like statue found in Kentucky woods
One of the members of my favorite Facebook group came across a very creepy statue on a friend's property. Here is what he said about it,
...my wife is friends with the family that own the property the statue is located on, from what I understand is that it's been there 20 years or longer, I noticed it a few years ago when the leaves were off the trees and just recently decided to go back and look for it and by chance found it right away.
The gargoyle-like statue is big with outstretched wings. Can you imagine coming across this thing while on a hike? At night? OMG!
What on earth is it supposed to be? And, what's up with its head? Are those ram-like horns?
Is that a monkey face? So it's a part gargoyle, part monkey, and part ram? This thing is so creepy and on the scary side. Look at his blank eyes.
This statue is so weird. But, on the positive side, he does seem to be smiling.
Nope. I still don't like him. I would high tail it out of those woods as fast as I could.
Apparently, nobody knows the story behind it. I'm not sure we want to. Can you imagine if the statue moved? Yikes! Maybe it does, but nobody sees it move in the woods.
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