A lot of homes have guard dogs. I found one home in the Midwest that doesn't need one. It has a guard duck named Angus and no one passes unless Angus approves and Angus never approves.

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This fun duck moment happened in Breezy Point, Minnesota recently. Here's how Angus owner described what her doorbell camera captured:

Angus, my angry male duck, chases me up my porch early one morning while I’m wearing my Pajamas.

Have you ever seen Lord of the Rings? Angus would be the Gandalf of that story. He says "you shall not pass" even the owner.

iDuckn says that guard ducks aren't a new thing. As a matter of fact, they recommend an entire flock of ducks and not just one. What's better than one angry duck? Answer: a whole bunch of mad Mallards.

Related side note: I was bitten by a duck on the first date with my wife at the St. Louis Zoo almost 20 years ago. She married me anyway. These little birds that definitely are cute can also be fierce. My finger can attest to that.

Personally, I wouldn't want a guard animal that turned on me, too. But, if you're happy with your guard duck named Angus, good for you I suppose.

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