Tired of being notified every time one of your Facebook friends decides they need to rant in a Facebook Live video? Here's how to turn off those annoying notifications!

Credit: Chris Jackson, Getty Images
Credit: Chris Jackson, Getty Images

Facebook has given a live platform to every person with a Facebook account. That means that your Great-Aunt Gertrude and your next-door neighbors weird cousin that you met that one time, now have access to bring you live, as it happens, content via Facebook. Cool! Ok, not necessarily. It may be the most annoying thing ever. Especially because Facebook's default settings sends you a notification every single time one of your friends goes live. The purpose? To populate those live videos with viewers, of course. If you're like me and you'd prefer to not have notification every time someone goes live, follow these easy steps:

From a computer (Sorry. You can't do this from the mobile app.) Go to your drop-down at the top of the screen and select "Settings."

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When you click "Settings," it will look like this on the left hand side:

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You'll select "Notifications" and it will take you to this screen:

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From here, you'll find where it says "On Facebook" and select "Edit." That is going to take you here:


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You'll mouse over to a drop-down box for "Live Videos" and click the box. It will give you 3 options. 1 - Live video notifications "On" 2 - Live video notifications "Suggestions Off." And option number 3 (and the one you likely want if you're reading this) - "All Off."

That's it. Pretty simple, but like I mentioned, you do have to do it from your desktop. These particular settings are not available on mobile. Happy Facebooking!!!

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