Rare Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Being Offered At $209 Per Pound
I know, we live in a cheese-loving part of the country where all we're supposedly concerned about is making sure that whatever dish we're enjoying has plenty of cheese in and/or on it. That can make things like oatmeal a little weird, but we're Midwesterners, and we'll do whatever we want when it comes to cheese.
But...will we pay over $200 per pound to get a taste of something that's been aging in a Mineral Point, Wisconsin cheese cave for the last 20 years?
These people (who know a thing or two about award-winning cheese) think that you just might.
Hook's Cheese Company, Located In Mineral Point, Wisconsin, Has Been Carefully Aging This Special Cheddar Cheese In Their Cheese Cave Since 2000, And Now It's Ready To Be Enjoyed
For anyone in Northern Illinois who might be thinking about a cheese-themed road trip, Hook's Cheese Company is only 83 miles from Rockford, so in a little over an hour and a half you could be holding this special cheddar in your own hands (hands that used to have $200 in them).
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that this is the second time the Hooks have released this exceptionally rare cheese and at this same price point; last time, in 2015, all 450 pounds of it sold out in two days. It seems that money is no object when limited-run cheese is involved. This year, they’ll be selling 500 pounds.
Over $200 Per Pound Does Seem Wildly Expensive For Cheese, But There Are Several Types Of Cheese Available That Cost Far More Than That
Take for example the world's most expensive cheese, Pule cheese, also known as "donkey cheese." Pule cheese is the most expensive cheese on Earth, routinely selling for $600-plus per pound.
Pule cheese is special, at least according to those who love it and will pay over $600 for it, because of its rarity.
It’s produced by just one farm in the world, located in the Zasavica Special Nature Reserve in Serbia, so if you want to try it out, you’ll have to take quite the road trip.
Making this type of cheese is no picnic either: over six and a half gallons of donkey milk is required to make just 1 kilogram of cheese.
Here's what Pule cheese looks like:
And here's how they get started making it. By milking a donkey.
If You Want Pule Cheese, Better Call Your Travel Agent--But, If You Want Hook's Cheese Company's Rare 20-Year Old Cheddar, Go To Their Website And Reserve Yours Today
And, best of all, you don't need to grab a full pound of it if you're watching your pennies.
You can reserve-order a quarter pound, a half pound, or grab up a full pound of the 20-year-old cheddar on the Hook's Cheese website, but you will be required to pick up your cheese. Hook's website also links to places that will ship the cheese to those who don't live anywhere near Wisconsin.
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