Pastor Andre Bradley (Shaped by Faith)
Pastor Andre Bradley, the Pastor of Mount Calvary Baptist Church talks about his first experience hearing God calling him into the Ministry at the age of eight years old and then again at the age of eighteen. I wanted to have Pastor Bradley on my radio show to discuss the importance of preparing our hearts during Holy Week leading up to Easter.
Pastor Bradley shares why Good Friday is called good and why the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is so important for all of us today. Anyone listening to Pastor Bradley could listen to his soothing voice for hours. He has a way of bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to life with such love, humbleness and passion.
We discussed what being a Christian means and how accepting Jesus Christ into our hearts makes a world of a difference in each person's life. We talk, pray and even exercise during this show!
You can tune in this Friday, Saturday & Sunday on 1490 WOMI & 99.1 FM.
Click here to listen live at 8:00 AM http://womiowensboro.com/listen-live/
Pastor Andre Bradley demonstrates a Triceps Dip! Give this a try by starting out with 8-16 repetitions. This is one of the best exercises you can do for the upper (back side) of the arms. Make sure the chair you are using is sturdy and does not spin, like our stools did:)
For More Faith & Fitness check out https://www.shapedbyfaith.com/
Shaped by FAITH Prayer
Lord, prepare our hearts today. Let us be attentive to hearing Your Voice! Help us to be aware of Your Presence in all that we do. Show us how to love others LORD, as You do! Lead us by Your Holy Spirit and take us over Father! We give You full permission to come into our Hearts today and restore us. Please forgive us of our sins and cleanse us. We Love you Father!
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