If you're not familiar with what eagles eat, the answer is whatever they want. Imagine the surprise for this large bird of prey who was outsmarted by a coy rabbit who made the jump of his life.

I have never seen anything quite like this before. The backstory is that the guy who captured the video trains golden eagles. He noticed that one of his trainees took off when he saw a rabbit running nearby. The eagle thought he had an easy dinner. The eagle was wrong.

NOTE: the video includes several slow motion replays so you can savor the moment.

This inspired a search to find out how often rabbits gain the upper hand on eagles. As it turns out, more often than I thought.

Then, there was this one.

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Paint me surprised. Maybe this is why Bugs Bunny always seemed to outsmart Elmer Fudd in the old Saturday morning cartoons. Well played, rabbit.

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