Kentucky State Fair Closed to General Public
As coronavirus cases in Kentucky have been on the rise in the past two weeks, a final decision has been made concerning the state fair in Louisville scheduled to start on Thursday, August 20th.
The fair will be closed to the general public this year in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19. The fair was going to look very different by reducing capacity by 82 percent; instead here is their plan for the "participants only" event.
This also means the following events are canceled this year:
The Texas Roadhouse concert series
Outdoor entertainment
Thrill Ville (the midway)
Lot A exhibits
Kentucky State Fair entertainment
Outdoor food vendors
Here is a statement from the fair:
“With an abundance of caution to protect our fairgoers, participants and employees, we have modified the 2020 Kentucky State Fair to be a participant only show. This will allow core elements including the World’s Championship Horse Show and the youth livestock competition to continue safely,” said David S. Beck President and CEO of Kentucky Venues.
With a shift to a participant-only show, the Kentucky State Fair will have a more feasible way to perform contact tracing, an essential step in reducing the spread of COVID-19. For those participating in livestock competition and the horse show, there will be increased handwashing stations, mask requirements throughout the facility, additional cleaning protocols and other changes.
For more information about the Kentucky State Fair’s COVID-19 plan, visit https://kystatefair.org/covid-19-plan.
Governor Andy Beshear also announced the mandatory mask mandate for the state will be extended another 30 days. Here is Thursday's media briefing:

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