How to Book a FREE Team Party at Walther’s Golf & Fun This Season
I have been blessed with many opportunities to coach a number of different youth baseball and basketball teams, and it's something I wouldn't trade in for the world. I'm really grateful for the relationships I've made with the kids, their parents, and other amazing coaches. I can't tell you how rewarding it is to see the kids I've coached learn and improve over the course of a season - to see them implement the things we practice and to see the joy they get out of getting better and helping their team.
After spending weeks and months practicing and playing, the end of the season can feel like a major letdown. It's a bummer for all involved, and I've found that a great way to wrap up a season is with some sort of a team party.
Thanks to an observant parent, I learned that Walther's Golf & Fun offers FREE parties for youth sports teams. It almost seemed too good to be true. There's gotta be some sort of catch, right? Well, there really is no catch and it really is that good.
We took advantage of the FREE party and our team had a blast! It was a great way to end our season together. The party gets your players free mini-golf and a free round of laser tag. They'll also reserve some tables and chairs upstairs for your crew. Just give Walther's a call to book your party. Call (812) 464-4472 on online at golfnfun.com.

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