24 Evansville Students Named to Cops Connecting With Kids Disney Adventure 2022
It was an ordinary Wednesday for most of us, but for 24 EVSC students, this was a day they will remember forever. The Cops Connecting with Kids crew was out sharing magical announcements with their Disney Reveal Day.
This is the day that the first group of students found out that they have been chosen to be a part of the Cops Connecting with Kids Disney Adventure 2022. Many of these hard-working, deserving kids might not have the means to travel out of the Tri-State, let alone go to Walt Disney World.
All of the schools involved in the program host amazing reveal days. In fact, there is even a friendly competition between them, to see who has the most Disney Magic! This year's theme is 'An Ocean of Adventure Awaits'.
Lodge Elementary was the first school to sprinkle pixie dust on 8 of their students. Lodge has actually incorporated the ocean adventure theme into its educational plan. Students have been learning about the global perspective, and how there is so much to explore outside of their neighborhood.
Nemo and Dory Helped with the Reveal
Stop number two on the Disney reveal was Glenwood Leadership Academy. Eight very deserving Bullpups were surprised with the announcement that they will be on the 2022 Cops Connecting with Kids Disney Adventure.
McGary Middle School was the final school to have their Disney reveal assembly today. New Principal, Mr. Wright, Assistant Evansville Police Chief Phil Smith, and Jessie from Toy Story made eight students and their parents very happy with five little words, "You're going to Disney World'!
You might be wondering how taking students to Walt Disney World helps connect them with cops. Evansville Police Department's Assistant Chief, Phil Smith, shared his experience with the program.
How does the connection work? First you introduce yourselves and tell each other about yourselves. Then you realize how much you have in common. Then you talk more and learn about the differences you have. Despite having those differences each of you learn to see how the other thinks and why they think that way. Then you joke, then you laugh. Then you just want to see the other do well at everything they do. And that's how Cops Connect with Kids.

Read More: Cops Connecting with Kids BBQ Fundraiser
Mission Statement
The mission of Cops Connecting with Kids Inc. is to build positive relationships between members of the law enforcement profession and the youth in their local communities, through open and honest channels of communication, mentorship, and connectivity.
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