West Side Nut Club Donates Fall Festival Proceeds to Local Groups
This has to be one of the best Fall Festivals in recent memory. The weather was absolutely perfect all week long, which meant big time money for all of the non-profit booths, and for the West Side Nut Club, which donates proceeds back to the community.
Earlier this week the Nut Club announced how much money was raised this year and who the recipients would be. The total proceeds from this year's Fall Festival was $33,998.21. Below are the local organizations and how much they received.
- $15,000 to the Evansville Police Department
- $12,500 to the Evansville Fire Department (along with a previous donation of $2,500 to match the EPD donation)
- $2,500 to Youth First
- $2,000 to Youth Resources of Southwestern Indiana
- $1,998.21 to the Evansville Rescue Mission
And in case you need MORE Fall Festival videos...here ya' go!
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