Enjoy Wesselman Woods For Free September 21-26
Wesselman Woods has teamed up with several local businesses for Wellness in the Woods, where for four days entry fees are covered. The event takes place September 21st - 26th. Not only can you enjoy Wesselman Woods for free on those days, but they will also have several activities going on as well. If you're interested in going on guided hikes, animal encounters, yoga, and more, they'll have plenty of those events to enjoy as well.
Here's what Wesselman Woods says about the upcoming event:
WW will be open for free September 21-26 during normal operating hours (Tuesday through Saturday from 9 AM to 5 PM and Sunday from Noon to 5 PM) to promote equal access to this unique outdoor space.Sponsored activities will take place primarily over the weekend (Friday through Sunday) thanks to many local health and wellness advocates including: Brinker’s Jewelers, Old National Bank, Water Street Partners, Hook’s Apothecary, the Lochmueller Group, Stucke Counseling, the Theby Family, Urban Seeds, Caliber Home Loans, the Evansville Trails Coalition, and Hutson, Inc.
Activities include: yoga, guided hikes, animal encounters, sound healing, bike rides, a musical event for children, and more! Find the full schedule of events on the WW calendar at wesselmanwoods.org/calendar.