The Isaiah 1:17 Project ‘Dream Cycles Program’ Provides More Than Just Bicycles to Southern Indiana Children in Foster Care
I remember when I was finally allowed to ride my bicycle all around the block. Now, I had to stay on the sidewalk, but that freedom felt amazing. Once I got a little older, I was able to ride my bike to see friends and learned about being responsible for keeping it put away.
The Isaiah 1:17 Project
Children that are in foster families don't usually have a lot to call their own. I'm talking about the clothes they have on, and maybe nothing else. The Isaiah 1:17 Project based out of Princeton, IN serves foster families in Southwestern Indiana with various programs and resources.
Dream Cycles
Obviously, if a child goes into a foster family, they are probably not going to have a bicycle. One of the really amazing programs that began in 2019 is Dream Cycles. In a partnership with Toyota and IVY Tech, hundreds of local children have received free bicycles, helmets, and safety training.
Live Video 2022 TMMI Princeton Dream Cycles
Why is having a bike so important?
For the older children, having a bicycle means the opportunity to have transportation to and from a job. There are even a limited number of balance bikes to help meet the mobility of little ones and children with special abilities.
Dream Cycles allows at-risk children, who often know great loss and exclusion due to foster care placement, to feel a greater sense of inclusion and belonging in their communities. Owning a bicycle has many benefits and for at-risk children experiencing foster care placement that ownership is often a challenge or impossibility due to limited and stretched resources for foster families.
Sponsor a Bike
Send your $100 contribution and indicate “Dreamcycles”
Mail to:
The Isaiah 1:17 Project
117 N. Hart Street, Princeton, IN 47670
2022 Ivy Tech DreamCycles Application

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