The drone controversy on the East Coast is quickly also becoming an Illinois problem as many UFO reports over the state during the past 5 days are now believed to be drones.
It began when a man saw something bright in the late afternoon sky, but it wasn't a planet, star or anything he'd seen before. He then noticed military jets in formation nearby. The unidentified object then moved as it appeared to be fleeing from the approaching planes over Illinois.
I'll warn you now this is one of the strangest UFO reports you'll ever see. It began in Rolla and ended in West Plains, Missouri. The report claims beings stalked a man, communicated with him via radio and other devices and may have killed his cat.
A Missouri woman just shared a strange story of what happened when she took her dog for a walk a few nights ago. She saw two lights in the sky that seemed to be chasing each other. She thought it might be shooting stars until both turned at an extreme angle.
It's not unusual to see something unusual in the sky, but it is uncommon to follow one for more than 30 minutes which is what a Missouri man claims happened to him recently.
Right before sunset last week, something strange happened in the skies over a small town in the Missouri bootheel. Two UFO's seemed to dance across the sky zigging and zagging around each other as a new video share shows.
It's one thing to see a strange object in the sky. It's yet another to have that experience cause you to lose track of time. That's exactly what happened to someone in Illinois based on an official report.
I'm a born skeptic especially when it comes to UFO's. I was born and raised in Missouri so "show me" is a built-in motto for what it takes for me to believe something. There's a very recent video captured in Missouri over a rural backroad that's interesting for a lot of reasons.
Something strange has been happening in the city with the Arch. Or, I should say something weird is happening OVER St. Louis as an eyewitness claims they saw a UFO that was possibly chased by aircraft in the area.