It's not a classified secret that Illinois would have several locations that would be prime targets for an enemy if the worst-case scenario nuclear exchange everyone fears ever becomes reality. However, there's a FEMA map that shows an alarming number of Illinois targets including many in the middle of nowhere.
It's a concerning trend that seems to be ramping up as the nation gets closer to another election. The FBI is investigating why Illinois and several other states are receiving strange packages of unknown origin.
If you're looking for the latest and greatest in the world of fast food, you won't have long to wait before a new trendy homemade meal chain will be opening in Illinois as that's now planned before the end of the year.
One of my most memorable trips as a kid was to Abraham Lincoln historical sites in Springfield, Illinois. Now, there's a new but still somber look at Abraham Lincoln's first and only Illinois home plus his final resting place.
The fact is that every single city in America has a crime problem at some level. That one place in town that most try to avoid when they can. In Illinois, there are 10 places that have a bigger problem than most with violent crimes earning them a place on the 10 most dangerous places list.
While certainly not the most attractive man to ever walk the face of the Earth, Abraham Lincoln is certainly one of the most recognizable, especially here in Illinois. You can see Lincoln's face on the penny, on the $5 bill, and splashed all over governmental buildings throughout Illinois and the nation.
If a cat has nine lives, I think I can theorize that a dirt biker in Springfield, Missouri has at least three. A security camera video shows how he was nearly clobbered by cars twice in incidents within seconds of each other.