Michigan is home to 40 active commercial ports which handle 51.7 million tons of cargo annually. Many, like Port Huron, can be viewed in person or via livestream.
There are no lack of stories and legends of buried treasure, but there is one that is starting to look like there's some truth to it. There is evidence mounting that there is a fortune in stolen Civil War gold that's buried somewhere in the Midwest.
If you've ever had the privilege of visiting the Great Lakes area, you know that weather can change in a heartbeat. One visitor near Lake Michigan captured a stunning time-lapse of a storm that suddenly popped up rolling in over the water.
We live in an era where UFO videos and pictures are becoming practically an every day occurrence. So, it's not really a surprise that I found a recent video share showing a rather large UFO over Lake Michigan. There is a unique twist to this one though.