You would think that all the drivers in Illinois would get the clue by now. There's yet another report of an Illinois State Police vehicle being struck by a driver that did not move over.
According to the law in Illinois, there are certain individuals who are not supposed to possess firearms. The Illinois State Police just completed a monthly enforcement crackdown to make sure those people are in compliance and it resulted in 318 firearms being taken.
This happens all the time and I would estimate that few drivers on Illinois roads even realize it. Did you know that Illinois State Police are automatically scanning license plates? They've just shared the reason why it's necessary.
If you've ever pondered the many ways that you're being kept track of by various players on the internet (think targeted advertising based upon the websites you visit and the things you search for), you may soon have to add another, non-internet tracker.
No family member wants to get that call that a loved one has been taken from them. These families did receive that call and are still wondering what happened.