How to Make Candy Corn Latte Because… Why Not?How to Make Candy Corn Latte Because… Why Not?Candy corn is something you either love, or you hate, there's no middle ground. Candy corn lovers, this may put your affections to the test.Steve ShannonSteve Shannon
An Illinois Butcher made a Halloween inspired Candy Corn BratAn Illinois Butcher made a Halloween inspired Candy Corn BratIt's true, a place in Illinois makes Candy Corn Brats, and now that we all know that these exist the question is...Would you eat one? Mark HespenMark Hespen
Illinois Police Hilariously Warn About a Halloween “Dangerous Substance”Illinois Police Hilariously Warn About a Halloween “Dangerous Substance”If you willingly eat this candy, you have questionable taste buds. MJMJ