Cornhole Tournament Provides Healthy Food for Boys & Girls Club of Evansville
I am very blessed. I have never known true hunger. I've never gone to bed hungry, woken up hungry, or gone to school to get the first, and maybe only meal of the day. Most of you probably haven't either, but there are a lot of kids - too many - that experience this kind of hunger way too often. Thankfully, our schools can provide some kind of nutrition for these kids during the day - but what about after school? Thankfully, we have organizations like the Boys & Girls Club of Evansville that pick up where schools leave off. A place like the Boys & Girls Club is even more important during the summer when there is no school. What these kids eat at the club may be their only meals all day.
Our friend Shanna Groeninger, from the Boys & Girls Club, tells me that they have an average of 60 kids a day at the club. Imagine the amount of food it takes to feed that many kids on a daily basis throughout the year. When you keep that in mind, you can understand why the club's annual Stock the Pantry cornhole tournament is so important. You are helping to literally stock the club's pantry with healthy and nutritious for the kids that need it the most.

If you need more confirmation that people are ready for in-person events, just look at the registration for this cornhole tournament. The event isn't until August, but it's already almost full. The reason Shanna came on the MY Morning Show was to let you know NOT to wait to register your team. The tournament WILL sell out/fill up - it's not a matter of if, but when. Listen to Shanna tell us more about the tournament and why it's so important.
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