Seven Things You Might Want To Throw Away In Your Bathroom
With Spring right around the corner, you might want to get a head start on Spring cleaning in your bathroom.
I would be willing to bet that it has been quite some time since you have gone through all of your drawers and cabinets in your bathroom and cleaned them out. Honestly, I couldn't tell you the last time I took the time to look through mine to toss out what I don't use. More importantly, to toss out things that are expired...which I am sure is a surprising amount.
Sure, you can go through cabinets in your bathroom and toss out things that you don't use anymore. However, there are items that you have in there that you might currently still use, even though you really shouldn't be using them anymore. According to the website Business Insider, there are quite a few things like that in your bathroom that you might want to toss out ASAP. Some of the reasons why you want to toss them out might creep you out too.
Your Toothbrushes
The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends you throw your toothbrush away after three months. No one wants a contaminated, useless toothbrush!
Old Hydrogen Peroxide or Rubbing Alcohol
They don't go bad, but they do lose their potency. Be sure to check the expiration date on the bottle.
Old Contact Cases
This is one that I never really thought about, but when you do think about it, all of that bacteria from your hands gets in there. That adds up over time, and you don't want to risk eye infections. So you're supposed to use a new case every three months.
Expired Contact Lens Solution
This is a scary one. You never want to use an expired contact solution, even if the bottle is still full. The expired solution can end up contaminated. Using it could lead to infections, vision loss, and (in extreme cases) blindness...I am checking mine as soon as I get home!
Old Cosmetics
Cosmetics that have changed color, odor, or consistency should be tossed out. The oil that's in them can go bad, and they can start to grow bacteria...no one wants to rub bacteria all over their face!
Expired Medications
Good news: A Harvard study found 90% of your medications are still safe and for the most part effective even 15 years after they expire.Bad news: there are a few that you should NEVER use past their expiration date. These include insulin, liquid antibiotics, and certain heart medications or anything else with nitroglycerine in it.
Rubber Bath Toys
Reachers recently found murky water filled with fungus and bacteria when they cut open children's rubber bath toys. This could lead to serious infections of the eye, ear, and intestines with children who especially like to squirt water in their face.
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