Reopen Evansville Task Force Launches Virtual “Town Hall” Meetings this Week for Business Leaders
-by Tara Barney, Reopen Evansville Task Force Chairman
When the State of Indiana and Federal Government give guidance for reopening civic and business life, the Reopen Evansville Task Force wants to have a plan and support services in place for Greater Evansville businesses to respond safely and confidently.
“If you operate a business in the Evansville region, I highly encourage you to join the virtual meeting representing your industry this week,” said Reopen Evansville Task Force Chairman, Steve Schaefer. Your feedback is critical to the Task Force and reopening the local economy.”
To identify negative impacts and challenges for small and large businesses locally, virtual meetings – or “town halls” – will take place beginning this week for four industry sectors. Feedback from each industry meeting will then guide future workshops and available business assistance resources for reopening.
The virtual meetings will be facilitated by members of the Task Force and limited to one hour. To sign-up, click the links below or visit, swinchamber.com.
Town Hall Food & Beverage Zoom Meeting
Town Hall Manufacturing Zoom Meeting
Town Hall Close Contact Business Zoom Meeting
Town Hall Local Retail Zoom Meeting
The virtual meetings will be facilitated by members of the Task Force and limited to one hour. To sign-up, click the links above or visit, swinchamber.com.

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