While you are out doing your grocery shopping at a place like Walmart, you might hear some announcements over the intercom. There's one in particular that when you hear it, you will want to exit the building immediately.

When you are shopping at a place like Walmart, you really want to get your stuff and get out. You're not really paying much attention to what is going on in the store around you. I'd be willing to bet that you have been inside the store several times and heard an announcement over the intercom. Usually, it's asking for employees to help out at busy registers or for someone to clean up a mess in an aisle. However, there are certain occasions when you might hear an announcement over the intercom that is coded, and sometimes there's an actual cause for concern.

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Walmart's Secret Codes

A website called Quora just asked the question of retail workers and managers about what those super-secret code words we sometimes hear actually mean. Some of these codes that you might hear on the PA system can be very alarming. Typically, they will be followed by instructions, but unless it is unsafe to leave, it might be in your best interest to get out and get some distance from the situation and the store itself.

So let's take a look at some of these "secret codes" and what they mean so you will know what they are warning the employees about.

What are the Meanings of Secret Codes You Might Hear While Shopping

On rare occasions, there will be announcements made using secret codes that only employees understand at the store. Some of these are pretty scary and if you hear them, you will want to exit the store ASAP.

Again, you will only hear codes like this on rare occasions. The most important thing to remember here is not to panic, as that won't help anyone. If you are able to safely leave the store during one of these codes to keep out of harm's way, do that.

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