The 46th Annual E’ville Iron Frog Follies August 27, 28 & 29, 2021
Things are looking up, as far as events for 2021 go. COVID-19 took away the majority of our favorite annual events in 2020, but for now, several events have the green light. One of those is E'ville Iron Frog Follies, held at the Vanderburgh County 4-H Center in Evansville. The official dates are August 27, 28 & 29, 2021.
If you grew up in the Tri-State, you might think that the Frog Follies is just a little local event. But it's one of the Midwest's largest charity events, and attracts entrees and spectators from all over the country.
2021 Info:
Confirmation letters will be mailed toward the end of April.
See the Vendor Information page for space rentals, or call (812)428-3764.
Pre Register Online: Deadline for pre-entry is July 1, 2021. Cost is $20.00 per car
Easter Seals of Southwestern Indiana is one of the nonprofits that benefit from Frog Follies. One of my favorite parts of the whole weekend is the Celebrity Frog Races. Bobby and I are the reigning champs from 2019. Hopefully, we'll get a couple of good froggers again this year.

Logan's Promise will be directing traffic and parking cars throughout the weekend. Yes, I will be out there, so be on the lookout for the short one in orange LOL!
Frog Follies will always hold a special place in my heart. It was always an event that my Nana and Reggie went to every year. It didn't even matter if it was a million degrees in the shade, they were there.