Deaconess Hospital Shares Startling and Eye Opening Covid-19 Numbers
Deaconess Hospital has shared some news that some may consider startling - or even eye-opening - regarding their Covid-19 patience. There seems to be a divide in our community regarding the Covid-19 vaccine and the infographic shared by Deaconess may be what those who have been anti-Covid-vaxx need to see.
The infographic, shared today, August 20, 2021 details the number of Covid-19 patients currently being treated in the hospital. It also shows the number of those patients who have and have not been vaccinated. The graphic goes on to further breakdown the number of vaccinated and unvaccinated patients in ICU, and then finally, the breakdown of the number of patients currently on ventilators.

Here's the breakdown of the current numbers, according to the infographic:
There are currently 141 Deaconess patients being treated for Covid-19. Of the 141, 119 of them are not vaccinated and 22 of the patients are vaccinated against Covid-19. Out of the 141 patients currently being treated for Covid-19, 46 of them are being treated in the Intensive Care Unit - only two of those 46 have been vaccinated. The remaining 44 Covid-19 patients in the ICU have not been vaccinated.
In what may be the most eye-opening of the statistics shared, there are currently 27 Covid-19 patients on ventilators at Deaconess. Twenty-seven and not one single patient currently on a ventilator have been vaccinated! Let that sink in for a moment... The most severe patients being treated for Covid-19 at Deaconess are those that have not been vaccinated.
If you have been on the fence about getting the Covid-19 vaccine, or you're in the "I'm not getting vaccinated" camp, please reconsider. It could literally mean the difference between life and death, if not for yourself, for those you love.
[Source: Deaconess Hospital Facebook Page]
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