Big Earthquake Reported By Thousands Just Hit…Oklahoma?
Big earthquakes strike different parts of the US pretty much every day. However, it's not often you see a shaker of this size hit Oklahoma. That's exactly what just happened today.

UPDATE as of 4:28pm: USGS now showing 14 quakes today in Oklahoma.
ORIGINAL STORY: My wife first saw this reported on a tornado alley Facebook page she follows.
I checked the official USGS earthquake website and sure enough, a 4.5 magnitude quake did hit Oklahoma today.
If you look at the "Did You Feel It?" part of their report, you'll see the quake was felt in Missouri too.
This brings to light an issue that has been pretty controversial about whether fracking can cause earthquakes. The USGS shared an article about this and the short answer is yes. The largest earthquake connected to fracking was a 4.0 in Texas years ago. This 4.5 today would be the biggest one if it is the result of fracking for oil.
You can follow the USGS earthquake site for updates on this event and others. Since we live in a potentially hazardous fault area (Thanks, New Madrid), it's a good idea to follow what the ground beneath us is up to.
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