Annual Free Pumpkin Giveaway at Hadi Shrine This Saturday
It’s October and that means the annual Hadi Shrine “Great Pumpkin Caper”! We may not be able to have and same fun we have every year but we can provide some activity for you and your family. Each year we give away about 500 pumpkins to area kids and help them carve away. It’s a mess but worth every moment as you watch kids creativity come alive.
This year the Hadi Directors Staff will provide one pumpkin to each child 12 and under, that comes through the Hadi Shrine parking lot on Saturday October 24th starting at noon. We’ll stop when we run out of pumpkins. So, bring your child and drop by Saturday to get your child’s FREE pumpkin. Carve them, paint them or decorate any way you want. We’ll miss the fun but you won’t.
Remember, first come first serve! Tent set up in the parking lot at Walnut and Riverside Drive.
Who says we can’t still have a little fun and be safe!

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